Her Secret to Success

I have finished reading Kurt W. Beyer's book titled "Grace Hopper And The Invention of The Information Age."
Naturally I want to know what is the secret Grace Hopper succeeded in her career. The book gave a wonderful presentation about Grace Hopper's career life. At the end of the book, it summarized several reasons that can contribute to the success of Grace Hopper. I am impressed by three listed in the book. First, she empowered youth, which seemed non-intuitive but also used by both Microsoft and Google and etc. She felt the young, inexperienced programmers can approach problems beyond "what is" and grasp "what could be". Second, since youth is fleeting, she had learned from margins during her career life. She mastered mathematics, military, insurance, aerospace engineering, etc., which resulted her intellectually informed mind was ready to approach any problem from a various of angels. And the last but not the least she embraced distributed inventions. She had emphasized collaboration since she started her computing career in Navy when she was programming in Mark 1 using machine language. And she played an essential role to collaboratively invent COBOL. What a wonderful career! And what a great human being!


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