Computing Careers
According to the report by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (US-BLS), the job market for computing professionals in this decade (2010-2020) will make up 73% of the jobs in STEM career with 16% in engineering, 9% in the natural sciences, and 2% in the mathematical sciences. Among the computing careers, the number of projected new jobs for software developer is 314,600, which is making up 30% of the all STEM growth. The other four hot types of jobs for computing professionals include 120,400 systems analyst, 12% of the all STEM growth; 110,000 computer support, 11%; 96,600 network/system administrator; and 65,7000 network architecture/web developer/computer security professionals, 6%.
To develop skills for computing careers, the following resources are helpful:
iTunes U online course lectures